Thursday, June 4, 2009


Ive got a few theories better still my understanding of life so far.

The 3rd eye.
I was out driving the bike, wind in my hair, loving it.When a bike over took me and there it was..the one thing people look idea,the experience...or so i thought.
So there I was watching this couple drive away into the sunset and it got me thinking.
Gosh it'd be nice to have that!
Yrs forward.I was that girl..and for some strange reason it didn't feel anything like what i imagined the state of mind the couple would have.Somehow watching the couple... imagining being that girl was more fun than actually being that girl.I call it the third eye perspective.
I think humans live by sight and imagination.
Love...that's not what we all look for ..its the idea of it! (the idea Media sells)That's what disappoints us.And for some reason our minds are pre set to think if this idea doesn't work out then it isn't Love.

I think you can never fall in love(well maybe u'd fall, someone being around to catch that not so sure)one can only grow in it.Real love is just that, you grow to being in a comfortable place.. for some a place you'd call your own,for some just a place to exist,for some its all they have and so on.Either way we are all just looking to get comfortable.

Learning to judge the difference is a skill only life can teach you.

What's best.
Consider A,B and C are options of chooses you have.Say you choose C.
Now there is a tendency to think ,maybe A was better or maybe B.
I believe that choose C was the best you knew to do.
I also believe the best place at this moment in time is where you are at.The most complete you is here and now.
We dont have control over a lot of things but our attitudes count towards it being good for us or not.
Having chosen A or B things would'nt be the "best" it could have been.

In my understand, thats how God works.Only for our better.Whatever it is we choose to do,if you have faith itll be the "best".
Then again there is the question of circumstances,intent etc.
Im not really sure of all that..but this is how far ive gone.

Its our choice.

Ive noticed when we are in the now and here, we tend to reminisce the past...childhood..youth.. and so on.Life is all about the memories.We spend so much time remembering.
So im of the opinion that we all should get out there and make those memories.Fear Nothing!!!
At the end of the day thats all we have.
So people of the world...make em memories happen!!


1 comment:

  1. hey love ... this reminded me of our face to face discussion way back in life ... and I always remember this .... :)
